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Ben David Fellowship-Prison Ministry
There are fewer places darker than a prison cell. There, seperated from all that they ever knew or loved, men and women struggle with feelings of despair and hopelessness. As they search for some sense of meaning and purpose for their lives, they wonder if anyone outside the walls of the prison knows or cares about their struggles.
Since 1984, at different times in his life, Art Solis has been going into correctional facilities, sharing the good news of Yeshua the Messiah with those behind bars, and offering the hope of true transformation through worship, preaching and teaching.
With the use of Bible-based education and with the help of commited volunteers, lives are being changed, hope is being restored and the darkness is being replaced with the promise of salvation to all who will receive.

Art Solis-Certified Volunteer Chaplin's Assistant (CVCA)

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